Harald Skjervold


The following information is taken from the 1998 issue of Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica.

Born: March 8, 1917

Died: May 3, 1995

1943 - Cand. Agric., Agricultural University of Norway

1943-46 - Scholarship from the Agricultural University of Norway

1946-48 - Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Animal Genetics, Wiad, Sweden

1949-54 - State Advisor in animal breeding in the County of Oppland, Norway

1951 - The Marshal Scholarship to study at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

1954-64 - Research leader in animal breeding, Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, The Agricultural University of Norway

1959 - Dr. Agric. Degree, The Agricultural University of Norway

1960 - Studies at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

1965-1987 - Professor in Animal Genetics and Breeding at the Agricultural University of Norway

Honors and Awards

1963 - Corrispondete Estero, Societa Italiano per il progresso della Zootechnica, Milano, Italy
1965 - The Chr. Wried's prize
1968 - Elected member of The Royal Academy of Science, Norway
1972 - Justus-von-Liebig-Priese, West Germany
1978 - Honorary Doctorate, The University of Gottingen, West Germany
1978 - "The Bronze Bull" from the Swedish Animal Breeders' Association
1978 - Elected member of the Agricultural Academy of Finland
1979 - Knight of the Saint Olav Order, First Class (Norway)
1980 - Elected member of the Agricultural Academy of Science, Sweden
1986 - UOVO D'ORO, Italian Award for Outstanding Scientific Contributions
1986 - The Herman-Von-Nathusius Medal, Zuchtungskunde, West Germany

An International Symposium in his honour was held at the Agricultural University of Norway on August 23, 1996.  The speakers at the symposium were S. Lien, Pim Brascamp, Brian Kinghorn, Odd Vangen, Lars Gjol Christensen, Trygve Gjedrem, Nils Standal, Keith Hammond, Knut Ronningen, and Pat Cunningham.

Below are some of the titles of papers authored or co-authored by Professor Dr Agric H. Skjervold to give some idea of the topics he studied - please note the dates.

1958 - Determination of the centre of gravity as an aid in the evaluation of bacon type in pigs.
1959 - Estimation of breeding value on the basis of the individual's own phenotype and ancestors' merits.
1960 - Estimation of sow yield
1960 - Supernumerary teats in cattle
1961 - Interaction between genotype and environment in selection for rate of gain in cattle
1962 - Testing and selection methods in pig breeding
1962 - Methods used for selection of dairy cattle in Norway
1963 - Effect of one form of exercise on the body development in pigs
1963 - To what extent do boars influence litter size?
1963 - The optimum size of progeny groups and optimum use of young bulls in AI
1963 - Inheritance of teat number in swine and relationship to performance
1964 - Factors affecting the optimum structure of AI breeding in dairy cattle
1964 - The influence of prenatal and postnatal testing environment on pig testing results
1967 - Selection schemes in relation to AI
1972 - Genetic and environmental sources of variation in length and weight of rainbow trout
1974 - Continuous comparisons with cattle populations as a regular part of the AI breeding scheme
1975 - Water re-use system for smolt production
1975 - Comparisons of litter size by use of natural and artificial mating in pigs
1975 - Evidence for a possible influence of the fetus on the milk yield of the dam
1977 - Effect of foetal litter size on milk yield: crossfostering experiments with mice
1978 - Causes of variation in the sex ratio in dairy cattle
1979 - Preliminary results from the use of Canadian, British, and USA Friesian bulls in the Norwegian Red population
1979 - Effect of foetal genotype on maternal performance
1979 - Causes of variation in sex ratio and sex combination in multiple births in sheep
1979 - Evidence of immunological influence on the number of live embryos in pigs
1980 - Comparisons between a synthetic dairy breed (Norwegian Red) and overseas Holstein-Friesians
1981 - Estimating body composition in pigs by computerized tomography
1981 - In Vivo estimation of body composition by computerized tomography
1986 - Potential application of gene transfer technology
1986 - Lifestyle diseases and the human diet
1994 - A challenge to future food production

He wrote two books, both in Norwegian.