Livestock Production - General Questions

Select the single phrase that best completes the statement.
The energy absorbed by a cow and potentially available for subsequent use in maintenance and production is the:
a) energy originally contained in the feed less that excreted in manure
b) energy in feed less that used for maintenance
c) amount used for production less that used for maintenance
d) energy ingested less that lost as heat, through emission of gases and excreted in the feces and urine
e) sum of that in the feed plus the amount ingested plus the amount excreted

Select the single phrase that best completes the statement.
An agri-ecosystem differs from a natural ecosystem because the former is:
a) more in tune with the weather
b) more complex
c) more diversified
d) unmanaged
e) less complex

Select the single phrase that best completes the statement.
As plants mature they become less digestible because:
a) starch, the main carbohydrate stored within the leaf and stem cells, is converted to sugar
b) cell walls contain a higher proportion of lignin
c) the ratio of leaves to stems increases
d) lignin is converted to cellulose
e) the water content of plant tissue increases

Select the single phrase that best completes the statement.
The conversion or passage of energy or other nutrients from one species to another and the subsequent transformation of nutrients back into simple molecules constitutes a:
a) a food web
b) symbio-decomposition
c) primary conversion
d) a food chain
e) an ecosystem

Select the single phrase that best completes the statement.
Whether or not the excretions from domesticated animals constitute a waste product or a valuable resource depends on:
a) the utilization by the farmer
b) the annual rainfall
c) the species of animal
d) availability of chemical fertilizer
e) the content of the ration

Select the single phrase that best completes the statement.
Livestock producers located in temperate climates usually
a) expect a high incidence of disease in animals under their care
b) harvest and conserve forage and other feeds during the active growing season
c) feed something less than maintenance requirements during the colder months
d) keep their animals in buildings
e) market their output organically

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
The actual amount of productivity realized from any domesticated animal is a complex interaction involving
i) management since human intervention can alter genotype but not environment
ii) genotype since this governing the inherent production potential
iii) ability for phenotypic adaptation to changing temperatures within the comfort-zone
iv) environmental factors that can enhance or depress expression of quantitative genetic traits

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
The "Recommended Codes of Practices" for care and handling of livestock species
i) are developed through collaboration between producer organisations, animal-welfare societies and other interested groups
ii) are intended to achieve a workable balance between the best interests of the animals and producers
iii) are formulated around the basic premise that humane treatment should be provided at all times
iv) involve voluntary rather than compulsory compliance.

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
Individuals involved with development of regulations or guidelines designed to improve animal welfare in livestock production units should recognize that
i) although systems used extensively in the past with animals kept outdoors for most of their lives have superficial appeal over total confinement, they may not provide for many of the animal's needs as well as confinement does
ii) increased taxes on energy and/or water use may affect feeding practices which, in turn, might also affect how or for how long animals are confined
iii) we have all the answers if only people would apply them
iv) domesticated animals have the same natural instincts and ability to survive as do wild animals so can remain highly productive even when distressed

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
Regardless of geographic location, sustainable livestock production should
i) improve rather than degrade environments
ii) minimize stress for both animals and operators
iii) use local resources effectively
iv) involve substantial energy intensive inputs

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
Over the past fifty years, much of the livestock production in the more developed countries of the world changed
i) so they now produce only for their local markets
ii) from a mixed farming system to a much more specialized and intensive operation
iii) to place more emphasis on dual-purpose animals
iv) from a labor intensive to a capital intensive system

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
The food commodities obtained from domesticated animals can be broadly classified as
i) containing all animal or no animal content
ii) obtained without slaughtering an animal or obtained only after slaughtering an animal
iii) edible or inedible
iv) expensive or less expensive

Chose the appropriate answer: A if only i, ii and iii are correct; B if only i and ii are correct; C if only ii and iv are correct; D if only one is correct; E if all or none are correct.
Consumer preferences are a concern for farmers in many regions because
i) the most important reason for producing animal products is to sell the output to people who are willing to purchase them
ii) genetic improvement programs are expensive and only justified if they focus on improving features that consumers will continue to demand
iii) most consumers are vegetarians
iv) product quality is not of very great concern when people in the more developed countries purchase eggs, meat or dairy products

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